“What is more ridiculous than to refuse to discuss its merits and to cling to what one knows best with no thought of ever changing.”

Watanabe Kazan
1793 – 1841
Japanese scholar and painter

When trying to interpret human evolution, it is done through observation, imagination, and myths. These are based on certain philosophies, religious beliefs, and scientific theories.
Human beings are considered being the most intelligent creature on Earth. During the evolution of mankind, linguistic communication does not only serves as the means of understanding, but the languages themselves have developed considerably, some of them became extinct, changed or mixed, forming an imagined standard language.
Based on the theories, people tried to express their feelings through voices that cleared out and changed to be words and scriptures. However, before that communication took place in the form of signs and pictures just like those found in caves. It happened in a very simple ad “primitive” form. As people started working with materials and discovered things, the audio, written and visual communication became fine-tuned.
There are different opinions about which language was the first; however, Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all languages. The Vedas are one of the oldest books of the world the meaning of which is knowledge, was written in Sanskrit. It was passed to the new generation primarily through listening and remembering.

Firstly, all the big languages of the world came to existence with very few words and they were used for very limited communication. The leading language of the world, the English language, has Indo-European roots and it was a very plain language. Nearly 30% of English stems from Latin, French, and Greek. The first English dictionary published at the beginning of the 17th century, in 1604 in London, contained ca. 3,000 words. It was written in the dictionary that the English language was borrowed from Hebrew, Latin, French, and Greek. Now it is 2022; the global events of the recent years and the economic and social conflicts involved show clearly that words have lost their importance. In fact, words never had the ability that was attributed to them. Western people vested the intellect with such a power of creation where emotional experience was often ignored, which would have made the self-expression clearer. Therefore, the use of the language was also distorted. The most important thing is not the amount of words used or the amount of words in a certain language, but the ability of expression used in the emotional-mental context. Words are always preceded by emotional and mental processes that are generated by experiencing the inner world. A poor emotional world may create many unnecessary intellectual things or a very poor ability of expression, whereas a rich emotional world always creates cleanness, even if it does not tell anything. The expanding “VIKI” and the linguistic communication appearing through it clearly show that individuals and mankind have to reform their relationship with themselves and nature. Clearing out these relationships results in a clearer common language and a more intelligent ability of expression that will reflect a new world that comes to existence. Naturally, our world, the linguistic communication and the things involved and appearing are perfect as they are.

Susanne Krisztian